
Idioms to do with habits:
Example without the usage:
My evening routine never changes, every night is the same thing over and over again.
Example with usage:
I am a creature of habit, especially when it comes to my evening routine.
把壞習慣改掉 / 戒掉
Example without the usage:
My think my dad should stop smoking because it could lead to serious diseases.
Example with usage:
Smoking can lead to cancerous diseases, so I’m trying to get my dad to break this habit.
I think my dad should break the habit of smoking, because it does more harm than good.
Example without the usage:
I have been going to bed at ungodly hours ever since college, it is hard for me to just change this habit.
Example with usage:
It is extremely hard for me to keep good hours, after all, old habits die hard.
Idioms about somebody’s character and personality
4. A people person
Example without the usage:
Ben is very good at making friends, he is outgoing and easy to talk to.
Example with usage:
Ben is a people person, he can hit it off with anyone he meets.
5. Nerd
Example without the usage:
I used to be obsessed with astrology in high school, a few of my friends and I even started an afterschool club together.
Example with usage:
My friends and I were a bunch of nerdy kids, we even started an afterschool astrology club! But those were the best days.
6. Down-to-earth
Example without the usage:
Even though my best friend and I come from different backgrounds, she never makes me feel beneath her or anything less than.
Example with usage:
Unlike the other rich kids in school, my best friend is down to earth and kind, treating others as equals with respect.
7. Early bird
Example without the usage:
My mom usually starts her day at the crack of dawn and I’m always envious of how much time she has in the morning.
Example with usage:
I wish I were an early bird, this way, I wouldn’t have to rush all the time.
8. Full of oneself
Example without the usage:
I can never stand those people who won’t stop talking about themselves in a conversation.
Example with usage:
I hate talking to people who are full of themselves, those conversations are absolutely mind-numbing.
Idioms to do with one's mood:
9. On cloud nine
Example without the usage:
She was extremely happy to learn that she got into her dream school.
Example with usage:
When she got the acceptance letter from her dream school, she was on cloud nine.
10. Spaced out / Zoned out
Example without the usage:
I used to get scolded by my teachers for not paying attention in class.
Example with usage:
Whenever I zoned out in class, my teachers would always scold me and call me out.
11. Fed up
Example without the usage:
One time I got mad at my sister for her attitude, I have just had enough of her treating me unkindly.
Example with usage:
One time I got mad at my sister because I was fed up with her passive aggressive attitude.
12. Under the weather
Example without the usage:
I left work early because I felt like I was about to catch a cold.
Example with usage:
I took a leave from work because I was feeling under the weather.
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